Thiruvananthapuram City Circular.

A unique hop-on hop-off solution

Thiruvananthapuram Citycircular

City Circular Service is an innovative transportation network, introduced by KSRTC for first time in the state of Kerala. The city to have the first launch will be Thiruvananthapuram. After this it will be introduced in other major cities like Kozhikode, Kochi etc. This is the first public transportation system in Kerala with Hope on Hope Off model.

  • Connecting all major routes inside the Trivandrum City
  • Total 7 routes interlinking all major points in the city.
  • Buses in every 15 Min.
  • Minimum charge is Rs 10 and the maximum is Rs 30.
  • Good Day Ticket provides unlimited travel in any city circular buses with a time limit of 24 hours.
  • KSRTC Travel Card with RFID technology to provide hassle free cashless payment.
  • Click Here for download : Route Map Guide

hop-on hop-off

The City Circular (CC) Service of KSRTC is making a paradigm shift in the operation of buses in the city. This novel facility would provide a delightful experience to the general public who rely on KSRTC’s city bus services for daily commuting. The service provides a convenient and robust solution to the general public, who visit the various offices, shop, markets, etc inside the city on a hop-on hop-off fashion.

Hop On Hop Off (HOHO) is very popular among the tourists around the world. But in this case, this is mainly meant for the routine commuters. The tariff is also affordable. Further, this connects almost all the places within the limits of the Thiruvanathapuram city. These buses will connect government offices, hospitals, tourist spots and other major areas.

In the First Phase of KSRTC City Circular service, there are 7 routes. These are operated in circular routes at fixed intervals. Bus services would be available, in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. So, a passenger can board the bus from a stop (HOP ON), and then can alight at another stop (HOP OFF). This would get repeated until the passenger reaches the desired destination. The highlight is that the passenger will not be forced to wait at a stop for more than 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the time of travel.

In the next phase, eight more circles will be introduced widening the horizon of CC services. The unique feature of this transport is that all the city circular services will have a unique colour. A passenger can identify the destination of the bus by the colour of the circle.

Good Day Ticket

  • Provides 24 hours of unlimited travel in any city circular buses.
  • Costs Rs 150 per ticket but inaugural offer is Rs 50.
  • Tickets can be bought through conductor in bus.
  • This ticket is ‘Non-Transferable’.
  • Travel Card

  • Based on RFID technology.
  • Introductory offer is Rs 50 per card free for the first charging.
  • Maximum recharge limit is Rs 2000.
  • Travel card can be recharged by conductor, depots and recharge points across the city.
  • Everyone must treat the card like cash .
  • Card lost will not be replaced.
  • Interchange points

  • Interchange points are major stops were intersecting two or more circular services.
  • Passengers can switch to different routes.
  • There are currently 24 interchange points.
  • Strength of


    KSRTC City Circular Service to Connect TRIVANDRUM City

    Bus stops


    Minutes Peak Time Frequency

    Minutes Non-Peak Time Frequency